Tag Archives: kids

Our Birthday Party!

Promise & I both have November Birthdays. This year I turn 29 and Promise turns 25. It’s here Silver Birthday and so she takes the priority in the celebrating this year. 🙂 Truth be told, I hope she always takes the priority!

As we’ve talked further about ‘what we want to do for our birthdays this year’, we’ve decided that we wanted do something with the celebration of life beyond our receiving. Trust me, we will celebrate, but, we want you to help us with the ultimate celebration this year.

We want to give our birthdays away this year. We want our birthdays to bring LIFE to some that may not celebrate another Birthday if we didn’t give it away to them!

We continue to discover the extreme need in the world for sustainable life giving resources. We’ve heard from our friend Scott Harrison and his team at Charity: Water that millions of people don’t live to see their 5th birthday. And why? Because they didn’t have access to clean, safe water. That reality has shaken us to do something. We need to not be okay with this happening while we’re alive.

So, this year, we are celebrating our birthdays like never before!!

We are asking for $25 from everyone we know – and every penny of the money raised will go directly to fund freshwater wells in developing nations through Charity: Water, an organization that we know and trust. Even better, every dollar is “proved” when the projects are complete, and photos and GPS coordinates are posted using Google Earth. How cool is that right?! We’ll get to see our work and giving come alive!! Now THAT is a cool birthday present.

Our goal is to raise $5000 by Promise’s birthday, 11-23-10.

Please consider helping us. We need 200 friends to give $25 to reach our goal. This is so attainable and we want to ask that you wouldn’t wait and consider it, but, that you’d join us now in helping dying people live by giving them clean water this year!! This is a party, this is a celebration, this is our heart…more birthdays for more people!

Click Here for our Charity: Water page.

Staying Positive

Promise says she was a lot like this little girl when she was a kid. I wish I could have none her as a chatty little one with so many positive things to say. Anyways, stay positive and enjoy this little clip.

[ht suzy lind]

Kids = Awesome

Just some crazy kids playing music! Check these kids out.

THIS KID IS 7 YRS OLD in this video! WOW!



Mess of Me :: Never Too Young

My friend, Andy Barron, who works with Switchfoot shot me a link today. I have to say that Promise and I haven’t laughed that hard in a while. It’s a video like this that makes me hope that one day I’ll have a little girl that’s cool, personable and loves her some music. If you haven’t heard Switchfoot‘s new record called ‘Hello Hurricane’, well, do yourself a favor and quit missing out.

The first video is of the Switchfoot music video and Andy Barron did a bunch of the footage for the video. You’ve got to watch the real music video first so that you have context. Once you’ve finished watching the real music video make sure to watch this little 6 year old girl, Kadyn, totally bring the heat on the song. SO AWESOME!!! I’d love to hear your comments too!

Switchfoot: Two (of many) Reasons I Like These Guys

Also…this video for some reason had me laughing pretty hard. Apparently they stopped off in Memphis at a Coffee Shop and found this here NordicTrac. HA! The phrase that abides is…’Don’t HASSLE the DASSLE’. Just say that out loud without trying to laugh at the way it sounds. Anyways, These guys are top shelf musicians, anthropologists and people!

Picture 4

Kids Rule!

These videos are amazing, they simply remind me that kids have unmeasurable talent that, if tapped into, can be unleashed as beautiful expressions of their unique abilities. Seriously, if I ever have kids and they want to learn music this is the way I want them to learn. There’s, obviously, a time when these kids get serious with their instructors and learn, but, the end result is expressed in enjoyment and fun! This is how I learn and I think the idea of learning could be a way more positive experience if we let people express themselves a bit more. What could be more fun then learning all the pop-hits and doing it with all your friends.

My friend, Stephanie, showed this link to me and it’s awesome. These kids are called the PS22 Chorus and I’m pretty sure you could watch most of their videos and be pretty impressed. I’ll share a few with you here:

A couple questions for you…What are you doing to learn and have fun at the same time? What did you think about these videos, the approach, the fun, etc…?